Dragonstash Defi
2 min readMay 14, 2021


Hello guys, I hope you had a great working week, and that you will spent this weekend enjoying as much as possible :)

Now lets return to DragonsStashDefi. We had finished testing our contracts on BSC testnetwork, and soon we will start with deploying them on main net. How exciting we are feeling!!!

Now lets give a description of the DragonStashDefi finance. The token name will be DEG (as Dragon Egg Token), which shall be earned by providing your liquidity to your farms, and by staking your tokens in our pools. At the beginning the rate of DEG coin will be 75 per block. Which means that approximately per day will be created 259200 new coins. Dev team will periodically burn some of their tokens, so that supply doesn’t become too big. Emission rate of DEG token will later be dropped.

We will start by providing liquidity for DEG-BUSD and DEG-BNB, and will add most common LP pairs and tokens. APY will be great, especially for DEG pair, which also will have 0% deposit fees.

Lottery 💰 feature will come soon after the lunch, where by depositing your DEG coin, you will have a chance to win the DEG prices! To win the lottery jackpot (50% of the entire lottery pool), you will need to match all 4 numbers on your ticket in the exact same order as the 4 winning numbers. If you don’t match all 4, no need to worry. As long as you match 2 or more numbers in the correct order, you are guaranteed to win a prize.

After lottery is safely and soundly deployed on main net, our own AMM exchange will be released. You will get DEG-LP tokens by providing liquidity to our AMM.

A lot of other features will be coming, and soon we will share our own Road Map with you. Until then we whish you happy weekends!!!

Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DragonFinance2

Our Github: https://github.com/DragonStashDefi

Our Docs: https://dragonstashdefi.gitbook.io/dragonstash-finance/

This is how much excited we are now

